Oasis Of The Seas | Freedom Of The Seas | Roya Caribbean

Oasis of the Seas and Freedom of the Seas - Cozumel (Mexico)

Good morning,

This is Oasis of the Seas, the largest cruise ship in the world and Royal Caribbean's newest ship.
I am on Deck 12 on board Freedom of the Seas which was the world's largest cruise ship until Oasis of the Seas was launched last December.  We are in Cozumel, Mexico, because of an itinerary change due to bad weather.
 Our ship's Captain Tor Olsen guided our ship smoothly along side the Oasis as people on both ships watched these gorgeous ships  move closer and closer together.
Captain Olsen was on the building team in Finland when Oasis was built so he knows her well.
Guests and crew members were excited about seeing Oasis
A hot tub at least 13 decks above the sea was a good spot for those on Oasis of the Seas to watch our arrival on Freedom of the Seas.
Oasis had backed into the dock, Freedom pulled straight in so we were along side, but faced in opposite directions.
The sheer size of these two ships is so incredible...
...that it is hard to comprehend that these structures were designed and made by human beings to travel on the high seas.
Shortly after lunch I went ashore to take some pictures of the ships side by side.  Oasis is on the left;  Freedom is on the right.
The two ships tied up to the same pier created a ship "canyon."
Later I took a walk on Freedom's deck 4 and captured this beautiful image of the water reflection on the bow of Oasis.
Here is another view of the ship "canyon," this time four decks above the sea...
...and another.
This is another view of that hot tub high atop Oasis that we saw as we entered the port.  Note the reflection of Freedom at the bottom of the image.
This image was taken just before 7:00 PM as Oasis was preparing for departure.
Her giant thrusters allowed her to slide gently away from the pier...
...and off to her next port.
As Oasis sailed away, the dock workers prepared to release the lines so we on Freedom could also move on to our next port.
A few days ago I received a couple of images from a friend.  The image above and the following one were taken from a helicopter the same day my pictures above were taken while both ships were along side each other in Cozumel.  The ship at the bottom of the image is Oasis of the Seas;  the ship at the top is Freedom of the Seas.  Amazing.
It was the bad weather that required Freedom of the Seas to change her itinerary so we had the opportunity to share Cozumel, Mexico with Oasis of the Seas this day.

Every cruise is a different, exciting adventure.

I hope you have enjoyed these images of this very special day.

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